Braniff Graduate School Application Requirements

Braniff Graduate School Application Requirements

Ready to apply to our doctoral or master’s program?

  1. Complete your online application.
    • Click HERE if you are a returning user.
    • Click HERE if you are a first time user
    • Click HERE if you are an Art applicant
    • Click HERE if you are a Ministry applicant

  2. Pay the $50 application fee (non-refundable).

  3. Provide the appropriate application documents:
    • Unofficial transcripts for all U.S. colleges/universities attended
      • 如果被录取,在注册之前需要正式的成绩单 for classes.
    • Statement of Purpose
      • 目的陈述(750至1000字)应包括申请人的具体计划 在云顶集团攻读研究生的原因,一个简短的历史 申请人的智力发展情况,并表明申请人的学术水平 goals. **参见以下特定课程的“附加申请要求”
    • Sample of Academic Writing
      • 你的写作样本是为一所大学写的一篇文章(或文章的一部分) course in the proposed field of major study. If a sample from a university course 是不可用的,可以用一个更现代的写作例子吗. The writing sample should not exceed 6,000 words.
    • Two Letters of Recommendation
      • 您的推荐人的联系信息将在网上申请时被收集 process. 每个推荐人都会收到一封来自UD的电子邮件,要求他们上传 他们的推荐信通过一个安全的应用程序门户.
      • 推荐信可以来自教授、导师、牧师、世俗领袖、 etc. 申请天主教学校硕士学位需要导师的推荐信 Leadership applicants. 
    • GRE General Test Scores (no more than 5 years old)
  1. GRE一般考试成绩只需要用于以下项目.D. programs, English, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology and Theology. 

Ready to apply as a Non-Degree Seeking Student?

  1. Complete your online application.
    • Click HERE if you are a returning user.
    • Click HERE if you are a first time user
  2. Pay the $50 application fee (non-refundable)

  3. Provide the appropriate application documents:
    • Unofficial transcripts for all U.S. colleges/universities attended
      • 如果被录取,在注册之前需要正式的成绩单 for classes.
      • 注意:作为非学位学生,只有9个学分可以转学 toward the degree


Additional Application Requirements


所有艺术申请者必须提交三封推荐信. Your recommenders' 联系信息将在在线申请过程中收集. Each 推荐人将收到一封来自特拉华大学的电子邮件,要求他们上传他们的推荐信 of recommendation through a secure application portal.

除了上面列出的申请项目,艺术申请者也将被要求 提交至少15 - 20件代表作品的作品集. 

The Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.), the accepted terminal degree for studio artists, 要求完成芝加哥大学的艺术硕士课程 达拉斯或其他大学,并被全部研究生艺术系录取. Students entering the program with an M.A. from another institution will have their work and 在完成9到15个小时的学习后,由教师检查的知识 at UD.

所有古典教育申请者都需要上传最近的复印件 将他们的简历提交给他们的在线申请.

除非另有熟练程度证明,国际申请人的母语 语言不是英语者需提供官方英语语言能力证明 Test scores. 

Minimum Score Requirements:
TOEFL IBT (100+)
IELTS Academic (7.0+)
Duolingo English Test (120+)

持有国际成绩单的申请人必须申请批准的课程 从我们的首选成绩单评估之一的国际成绩单评估 Vendors to be sent directly from the evaluation company. Specific instructions regarding 国际成绩单评估程序可以找到 here.

The application fee for all Ministry programs is $25.

所有教育部申请者必须有最低的本科平均成绩(GPA) of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.

所有申请者必须提交一篇神学反思文章. You may submit 关于你对神学的理解/思考的以前的工作,或者你可以 read the USCCB’s Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium and answer one of the following questions:

1)在《云顶集团》中列出的四个“呼召”中,选择一个 one on which to reflect. 用你自己的话和你自己的经历来描述那个电话. 你在哪里看到这个呼召在堂区生活中被表达的证据?

2)考虑文件中提到的未来的各种挑战. What is one 你会发现特别适合你自己的情况,天赋,精神,激情, etc.? 你会提出哪些具体的方法来应对这一挑战? What challenge would you add, if any, in light of the Church today?

Students seeking consideration for the Master of Catholic School Leadership must also meet the following criteria:

  • Two (2) years of teaching experience in a Catholic school.

所有天主教学校领导申请者(硕士和证书)必须提交一份 professional resume.

目的陈述应该详细说明我们的项目和课程的具体内容 对你有吸引力吗(考虑到这个项目的特点在于? 它的存在现象学取向和历史取向借鉴了传统 of depth psychology and humanistic psychology). Your Statement of Purpose should also 回顾一下你以前的教育和经历,找出一些思想家/作者 and ideas that have left a strong impression on you. In particular, address why and 你的教育背景和个人信念如何 as a discipline make our program a good fit for you. (max. 750 words).

心理学研究生的录取取决于学术基础 in the discipline of psychology. This foundation can be demonstrated by the successful 完成至少一门三学分的课程(成绩为B或以上),一般 心理学和统计学/实验设计,或其他确定的课程 by the program director.

要考虑德克萨斯州教师认证,请点击这里查看 Educator Preparation Program Requirements. These requirements are in addition to the 标准的布拉尼夫教学艺术硕士申请要求. Should you have 如有任何疑问或疑虑,请致电education@udallas与教育署联络.edu.

The University of Dallas offers 4 + 1 programs 目前就读于特拉华大学的本科生可以同时获得学士学位 and their master’s degrees in as few as five years. Please review each program's individual 有关申请材料的更多信息的申请要求.



University of Dallas
Attn: Graduate Admissions Office
1845 E. Northgate Drive, Box 722
Irving, TX 75062


我们的目标是为您提供个性化的关注,帮助您做出正确的选择 decision about your educational future. If you have questions about the admissions process or our programs, please contact an admissions counselor or call us at (972) 721-5004. Answers to our Frequently Asked Questions can also be found HERE